Welcome to Your First Feis!
Curious about what happens at your first feis? Read on for info and tips!
First Feis FAQs
When should I arrive on the day of the feis?
Plan to arrive one hour prior to the scheduled start of your competition. If a feis is running early, they are permitted to run your competition up to an hour early.
2024 Feis Schedules:
What can I expect in the competition ballroom?
Each stage will include signs that list all of the competition numbers that will be danced on the stage that day, posted in order. The current competition is always the first number posted. Please be sure to stay on top of things as competitions can move quickly.
Please listen for announcements from the stage as the stage marshals will ask dancers to line up at the side of the stage for the upcoming competitions. Direct your child to the stage marshal (the person checking in the dancers).
Any questions regarding stages and the current competitions can be directed towards the stage marshal.
How do the competitions run?
Dancers for each competition will line up on the floor and may dance two or three at a time. Although the dancers will all be performing at the same dance (ie: Reel), each school has their own choreography for each dance, so, don’t panic if your dancer is doing different steps than the dancer(s) next to them!
It is important that dancers in line do not talk, move or cause distractions while they are waiting to dance. A “Stage Starter” will tell the dancer when to step out to dance and will count them off so that the dancer knows when to start.
When a dancer is finished dancing, they will bow and then return to their same place in line until all of the dancers on stage have finished. At this time, the adjudicator will signal when they are done with their scoring, and they will ring a bell or nod their head to dismiss the line. The dancers will then perform two bows (one to the judge and then one to the musician) before walking off the stage.
Should your dancer be competing in the next dance on stage, they will remain with the stage marshal to check in once again. Each dance is performed and judged separately. Dancers do not have to keep their same waiting order from dance-to-dance.
How do I find out about my awards/results?
To access results for a particular dance, go to feisworx.com and tap “Feis Results.” Select the feis you are participating in, then select the dance by competition number. Please note that it is customary for judges to place 1/2 of dancers in a competition. Should you not see your dancer’s name/number, it is likely they did not place in that particular dance. Dance results are posted PER DANCE and are not a cumulative score. Be sure to check each competition number your dancer participated in for their individual results!
To access your dancer's personal results, go to feisworx.com, log in, and tap “Personal Results,” then select the dancer you would like to see results for and tap “Show Results.” On this page, you will see your dancer's results for each competition number and often judges will leave comments that mention improvements and/or strengths of your dancer. Personal results may be posted within an hour or so after the end of a competition, or by the end of the competition day.
Dancers who place in individual dances (excluding trophy specials) will be given medals. If your dancer places in one or more dances, go to the medal table, give them your dancer number, and you will be given your medals.
The only results that are announced live are trophy special competitions and championship level competitions. When receiving a trophy, the dancer must be in FULL costume, complete with dance shoes. Note: All First Feis dancers will receive a small trophy in the Awards Room - so please be present and ready for your announcements!
What important tips should I know as a first feis parent?
Expect Delays! With so many competitors/competitions happening at once, we strive to create a positive and enriching experience for all dancers/attendees. We appreciate your patience and understanding should you experience any delays in your day!
Children must be supervised at all times.
VIDEO TAPING OF THE DANCING OR PHOTOGRAPHY WHILE DANCERS ARE PERFORMING IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Each school owns the rights to their choreography, and therefore it is protected. You may take photos during awards or when your dancer is not onstage.
If your dancer does not do well at a feis, please encourage them to keep practicing, as there will be plenty of opportunities in the future!
As a courtesy to other families and dancers, try to use seats only when you have dancers competing.
Adjudicator Etiquette: Please stay clear of the area surrounding the adjudicator tables. Do not engage the adjudicators with questions about competitions or your dancers.
What important tips should I know as a first feis dancer?
Eat a healthy meal the night before and the day of the feis. And don’t forget how important it is to stay hydrated!
Be sure to warm up (at least 10-15 minutes) AND stretch before you compete as nerves can make it harder to warm up and can make your muscles stiff which can lead to injury.
If you have time, run through your dances before your competition starts. It’s best when the first time you dance that day isn’t in front of your judge!
What do I do if the unexpected happens?
Falling: If you do fall on stage: Get up and keep dancing (as long as you are not hurt)! Try to find your place in the music by continuing to say the step in your head even as you push yourself up from the ground.
Missing a dance: If you arrive side-stage and your competition is already running, talk to the stage marshal and they will most likely put you on stage after the other competitors. Never just head up onstage on your own as you may enter on the wrong side and/or distract the dancers currently onstage.
Falling accessories on stage: If an accessory (a wig, tiara, shoelaces, etc.) falls while you are on stage, try to forget about the object and keep dancing without tripping over it.
Making a mistake in your steps: It happens to everyone, DON’T STOP! If you do go blank at any time on stage, the best thing to do is to keep going. Keep smiling and keep making up steps until the next set of eight starts and the steps come back to you.
Dancing the wrong dance: If you start doing the wrong dance, and the dancer notices that they are doing the wrong dance, the judge will often ring the bell to stop you and have you dance again.
Bumps and bruises: Always try to be aware of where the other dancer is and do your best to avoid them. If you do bump, kick or get kicked by the other dancer, continue on dancing the best you can.
Please remember that behavior at a feis (parents, teachers, and students) is a reflection on your school, especially when dancers are wearing their school costume and logo. At Yeates Academy, we value sportsmanship: please do not speak negatively of any dancers, adjudicators, teachers or other schools. Please be a graceful winner and a gracious loser (try congratulating your competitors). There is always another feis!
If you have any questions or concerns at the feis please look for a teacher or Yeates Academy volunteer. We are all there to help you and your dancer have the best experience possible!